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Gaelscoil na mBeann agus Naíscoil na mBeann, Kilkeel, Newry

Turas Rang 6/7 go hOileán Mhanann

17th Apr 2023

Bhí turas den chéad scoth ag Rang 6/7 agus ag cuid den fhoireann go hOileán Mhanann díreach roimh briseadh na Cásca. Ar theacht na 'bhaile duinn (faoi dheireadh), is mór an tsuim a spreag ár dturas sna meáin! Seo daoibh faoi iamh, cuid de na haltanna a scríobhadh faoinár dturas a foilsíodh san Irish News, sa Mourne Observer agus san Independent! 

Rang 6/7 and some staff members had a fantastic trip to the Isle of Man just before the Easter break. Upon our (eventual) return, our trip really sparked the interest of the media! See attached some of the articles written and published about the trip which appeared in The Irish News, The Mourne Observer and The Independent to name but a few!