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Gaelscoil na mBeann agus Naíscoil na mBeann, Kilkeel, Newry

Teiripeoir Cainte / Speech Therapist

24th Nov 2020

Bhí an t-ádh dearg ag Rang 1 go raibh deis acu tacaíocht a fháil ón teiripeoir cainte ar na mallaibh. Bíonn sí ag obair le páistí aonaracha agus i ngrúpaí beaga agus tá buntáistí ar leith bainte leis an obair an-éifeachtach a dhéanann sí leo.

Rang 1 have been very lucky to have had effective and practical support from local Speech & Language Therapist, Caroline Morris, during the past few months. Gaelscoil na mBeann is aware of the waiting lists and long delays involved in Speech Therapy at present, and even more so this year. Caroline is part of the "Small Talk NI" team who work with pre-school and school aged children to help them develop the skills needed to become confident communicators. She has provided our teachers and assistants with training and resources which have been implemented into our classes on 1:1, group and whole class settings. Rang 1 really enjoy the games and activities!