Access Keys:

Gaelscoil na mBeann agus Naíscoil na mBeann, Kilkeel, Newry

Tá ár Siopa Malartaithe ar Oscailt!

17th Oct 2022

D'éirigh linn ár Siopa Malartaithe d'éadaí scoile a oscailt inniu! Tá sé suite i bhFáiltiú na Scoile agus beidh sé ar oscailt le linn uaireanta scoile,5 lá sa tseachtain. Má tá éadaí scoile do pháistí róbheag, b'fhéidir go dtiocfadh leat é a mhalartú leis an chéad mhéid eile chun airgead a shábháil agus chun cuidiú leis an timpeallacht!

Má tá tuilleadh éadaí scoile agat sa bhaile le bheith curtha sa Siopa Malartaithe, cuir isteach chugainn iad i mála le bhur dtoil. Cinntigí le bhur dtoil go bhfuil na hearraí nite agus cuma mhaith orthu.

Thanks to your kind donations, we have been able to open our Swap Shop for school uniforms today! It is located in the school reception and will be open during school hours, 5 days per week. If your child has outgrown their uniform, maybe you could swap them for the next size up to both save money and help the environment!

If you have any further donations to make for he swap shop, please send them in in a plastic bag. Please ensure that all items are washed and in good condition.