Access Keys:

Gaelscoil na mBeann agus Naíscoil na mBeann, Kilkeel, Newry

Ár mbuíochas le Cairde na mBeann

20th May 2024

Bhí áthas an domhain orainn glacadh le 2 ríomhaire glúine úr nua ar na mallaibh a ceannaíodh isteach a bhuíochas le tabhartas ó Chairde na mBeann. Bainfear úsáid as na ríomhairí seo fud fad na scoile agus cuirfidh siad go mór le heispéiris foghlama na bpáistí uilig!

We were delighted to recently take deliver of 2 brand new laptops which were purchased using donations from Cairde na mBeann. These computers will be used throughout the school and will really add to every child's learning experience!

Míle buíochas le Cairde na mBeann!