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Gaelscoil na mBeann agus Naíscoil na mBeann, Kilkeel, Newry

Súgradh ag bun na scoile! / Let's talk about play!

2nd Oct 2020

Tuigimid, i nGaelscoil na mBeann, gur áit lárnach é an súgradh den fhoghlaim, sna luathblianta ach go háirithe. Nuair atá páistí ag súgradh, bíonn siad ag foghlaim. Tríd an súgradh is féidir eisamláir Gaeilge a thabhairt do na páistí agus bíonn faill acu frásaí agus foclóireacht chuí a chluinstin. Ar ndóigh, baineann na páistí an-sult as, chomh maith!

In Gaelscoil na mBeann, we understand that play is a crucial source of children’s learning, especially in the early years. When children are playing, they are learning. Irish language can be modelled and the children pick up and in time use the phrases and key words they hear. This year, we are emphasising the need for use of our “outdoor classrooms” and “outside play” and we feel the children are reaping the benefits. The children’s faces in these pictures tell a thousand tales, of investigation, problem solving and of course, enjoyment! Here is an example of some of the outdoor play which has been going on in Rang 1 and Rang 2/3 in September.