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Gaelscoil na mBeann agus Naíscoil na mBeann, Kilkeel, Newry

Seirbhís charúil

13th Dec 2019

Bhí seirbhís charúil ag Rang 6/7 i mbaile Chill Chaoil inniu. Thug siad cuairt ar Mourne Stimulus, Spar, ASDA, Cunninghams, Slieve Roe, Brooklands agus Mourne Grange. Bhí siad ag canadh i nGaeilge agus bhain siad an-sult as! Maith sibh!!

The children in Primary 6/7 took part in a carol service in Kilkeel today. They visited Mourne Stimulus, Spar, ASDA, Cunninghams, Slieve Roe, Brooklands agus Mourne Grange. They were singing in Irish and enjoyed the experience, well done!