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Gaelscoil na mBeann agus Naíscoil na mBeann, Kilkeel, Newry

Rás tras tíre

3rd Dec 2019

Bhí ceathrar ó Rang 6/7 ag rith sa rás tras tíre i gCaisleán Nua inniu. D'eirigh go geal leo uilig agus tá gach duine i nGaelscoil na mBeann fíor-bhródúil astu! Maith sibh Chloe, Cady, Patrick agus Eoin!

4 pupils from Rang 6/7 were running in the cross country race in Newcastle today. They all ran brilliantly and everyone in Gaelscoil na mBeann is extremely proud of them! Well done Chloe, Cady, Patrick and Eoin!

Tá torthaí na rásaí anois ar fáil. Cliceáil ar an nasc thíos. Ba mhaith linn comhghairdeas ó chroí a a dhéanamh le Chloe a tháinig sa 5ú áit sa rás s'aice! Bulaí girsí Chloe!

The race results are now available. Click on the link below to view them. We would like to congratulate Chloe who finished her race in 5th place! Go Chloe! 

Cross Country Results (9th Dec 2019) View download document