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Gaelscoil na mBeann agus Naíscoil na mBeann, Kilkeel, Newry

Rás Tras Tíre

16th Jan 2024
Thug páistí na Gaelscoile léiriú den chéad scoth ag an Rás Tras Tíre i nDún Phádraig inné. Bhí cúpla rás iontach comórtasach ar siúl agus d'éirigh lenár iomaitheoirí amanna fíor ghasta a rith! I rás na gcailíní, tháinig Naoise sa 4ú áit! Maith thú Naoise.

Chuir síad uilig an-iarracht isteach sa rás agus táimid an-bhrodúil as a n-iarrachtaí!

The Gaelscoil children all gave a fantastic performance at the Cross Country race in Downpatrick yesterday. There were a few very competitive races and all of our competitors managed to get very quick times! In the girls race, Naoise finished in 4th place! Well done Naoise!

Everyone gave their all in the races and we are so proud of their efforts!