Access Keys:

Gaelscoil na mBeann agus Naíscoil na mBeann, Kilkeel, Newry

Ranganna Garraíodóireachta/ Gardening Classes

24th Nov 2021

Moneydarragh Hub has received a grant from "Places called home" to develop a community and childrens' garden at the former Moneydarragh Primary School. In connection with that they are beginning a series of adult and kids gardening classes for 11 weeks

The Kids Gardening Classes at Moneydarragh Hub  are subsidised by a grant from NI Housing Executive and will be run by Fiona Robertson - a highly experienced tutor.

Classes for primary school children will run on Saturdays from 10-11 and for secondary school children from 11-12 commencing this Saturday 27th Nov. Cost is £2/class to cover refreshments and admin.

Please see the leaflet attached with further information on the classes.