Ár mbuíochas le Cairde na mBeann
6th Nov 2024
Ba mhaith linn ár mbuíochas a ghabháil le Cairde na mBeann a thug maoiniú a bhí bailithe acu trína gcuid imeachtaí bailiúcháin airgid dúinn le cur le trealamh STEM na scoile. Bhí an t-ádh linn tuilleadh trealaimh Gravitrax a cheannach isteach agus tá na páistí ó Rang 4-7 ar bís leo!
We would like to express our gratitude to Cairde na mBeann who have donated funding that they have collected through recent fundraising events to add to the school's STEM equipment. We were lucky to purchase some additional Gravitrax equipment and our Rang 4-7 pupils are delighted!
Go raibh míle maith agaibh!
We would like to express our gratitude to Cairde na mBeann who have donated funding that they have collected through recent fundraising events to add to the school's STEM equipment. We were lucky to purchase some additional Gravitrax equipment and our Rang 4-7 pupils are delighted!
Go raibh míle maith agaibh!

Gaelscoil na mBeann agus Naíscoil na mBeann, 127a Newcastle Rd, Kilkeel, Newry BT34 4NL | Telephone: (028) 41258418