Access Keys:

Gaelscoil na mBeann agus Naíscoil na mBeann, Kilkeel, Newry

Lá Oscailte fíórúil Ardscoil Naomh Maolmhaodhóg

28th Jan 2022

St Malachy's High School Virtual Open Day

With the Post Primary admissions portal opening on Tuesday, 1st February, you may be considering St Malachy’s for your son/daughter in September 2022. Although in person open days cannot take place due to COVID-19 restrictions, you can see the school for yourself, allbeit virtually. You can find the link to the virtual tour below. You can also find a handy readable link to their school prospectus too. 

St Malachy’s Virtual Tour:

St Malachy’s Prospectus: