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Gaelscoil na mBeann agus Naíscoil na mBeann, Kilkeel, Newry

Lá na Sábháilteachta Idirlín 2021- Safer Internet Day 2021

9th Feb 2021

Inniú, ar Lá na Sábháilteachta Idirlín 2021, tá daoine fud fad an Domhain ag foghlaim faoi dhóigheanna le fanacht níos sábháilte agus iad ar líne. Tá alt iontach scríofa ag an Seomra Nuachta ar an ábhar seo ag an nasc thíos: 

Bíodh comhrá agat le do theaghlach inniu faoi bheith sábháilte ar an idirlíon, rud atá millteannach tábhachtach faoi láthair agus muid ag caitheamh neart ama ar líne le linn na dianghlasála seo.

Today, on Internet Safety Day 2021, people all over the world are learning about ways to stay safe when they are online. Seomra Nuachta have written an excellent article on the subject at the link below: 

Have a conversation with your family today about being safe on the internet, something which is hugely important at the minute as we are spending so much time online during this latest lockdown.