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Gaelscoil na mBeann agus Naíscoil na mBeann, Kilkeel, Newry

Éide scoile- uniform collection

20th Aug 2020

A thuismitheoir,

Any school uniforms that were ordered through the school office will be ready for collection tomorrow (Friday, 21st August). To ensure social distancing, please adhere to the time slots below:

Rang 1-Rang 3 uniforms: 9:30am- 11:00am

Rang 4-7 uniforms: 11:15am- 1:00pm

Naíscoil uniforms will be available for collection next Wednesday, 26th August after Naíscoil Induction.

Please ensure that you have the exact cash needed to pay for the items you have ordered as we cannot provide change. You will not be able to collect uniforms unless they have been paid for in full.