Free School Meals 2021/22- APPLY ONLINE
Applications for Free School Meals/School Uniform/Physical Education Clothing Allowance can now be made online for School Year 2021/22. All parents and guardians, including new applicants will need to apply online.
You STILL need to apply if you have done so in previous years
Please visit… to apply. You will also find more information about the process at this link.
The EA also has a dedicated helpdesk if you have any queries or difficulties accessing the online application. The helpdesk can be contacted on 02890 418044 from 9am to 430 or you can email

Gaelscoil na mBeann agus Naíscoil na mBeann, 127a Newcastle Rd, Kilkeel, Newry BT34 4NL | Telephone: (028) 41258418