Access Keys:

Gaelscoil na mBeann agus Naíscoil na mBeann, Kilkeel, Newry

*Cur i gcuimhne- Parent Pay- Reminder*

17th Sep 2020

Please ensure that you have registered each of your children for the Parent Pay cashless app using the activation codes emailed to you last week. 

We are unable to begin using this system until ALL children's accounts have been activated. Even if you do not intend to use this app to pay for school dinners, it will be used in class daily by your child to self-register and to choose whether they are taking lunch or sinner on that day.

Down the line, we will also be using the app for payment of school trips and other activities which all children will partake in.

If you have not received an activation code, or are having difficulties registering, please contact the school office ASAP.