Access Keys:

Gaelscoil na mBeann agus Naíscoil na mBeann, Kilkeel, Newry

*Cur i gcuimhne- Bus na scoile- Reminder*

27th Aug 2020

As previously stated, if you would like to avail of the school bus service next week and have no other option for transport to school, please ensure that you contact the school before the end of this week to book a seat.

Masks must be worn on board the bus and your child's temperature will be checked by the driver before they will be permitted onto the bus. As such, they must be accompanied to the bus stop by a responsible adult. 

Due to the amount of outstanding bills from last year, the £1 fee per journey MUST be paid to the driver before boarding the bus.

If you would like to book a seat on the bus for next week, please phone the school office on 028 412 58418 or email

The bus service is not available to Naíscoil children.