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Gaelscoil na mBeann agus Naíscoil na mBeann, Kilkeel, Newry

COVID update

21st Feb 2022

Fáilte romhaibh ar ais ar scoil! Tá súil agam go raibh sos leath-théarma maith ag gach duine. 

Welcome back to school! I hope you all had an enjoyable mid-term break. 

As you will no doubt be aware, the Health Minister announced his decision to move remaining COVID restrictions into guidance on 14/02/22. Please note that this does not change the restrictions in place in Gaelscoil na mBeann. Visitors to the school will continue to wear face coverings and children using the bus to and from school must continue to wear face masks also. The processes to follow if your child tests positive for COVID-19 remain as they were and are outlined below:

  • If your child displays symptoms of COVID-19, book a PCR test immediately. Your child should self-isolate (not attend school) until a negative result is returned. If they test positive, a period of isolation must commence immediately. Your child should carry out Lateral Flow Testing on day 5 & 6. Only when 2 negative tests are returned, taken at least 24 hours apart, can your child return to school.
  • DE Guidance recommends regular testing of children attending school (twice per week). If your child is not displaying any symptoms but returns a positive lateral flow result, a period of isolation must commence immediately. Your child should carry out Lateral Flow Testing on day 5 & 6. Only when 2 negative tests are returned, taken at least 24 hours apart, can your child return to school.

Please report any positive tests to the school directly as soon as possible. School work will be provided via Seesaw for children who are well enough to learn remotely. The completion of this work will allow us to record attendance accurately. 

These mitigations are in place for the protection of our whole school community including our staff. Once again, I must stress the difficulty in sourcing substitute teachers at present. In the case of a teacher testing positive where a substitute teacher canot be sourced, a class may need to stay at home and commence a period of remote learning. I hope that we will not be forced into doing this but please be aware that it remains a possibility.

Thank you for your continued cooperation on COVID related issues.

Go raibh maith agaibh.