Access Keys:

Gaelscoil na mBeann agus Naíscoil na mBeann, Kilkeel, Newry

Claraigh do pháiste le Naíscoil nó Gaelscoil na mBeann anois!

10th Jan 2022

Register your child with Naíscoil or Gaelscoil na mBeann now!

Pre-school and Primary school admissions open today at 12 noon. Please note that this is not operated on a first come, first serve basis and that you have until 12 noon on Friday, 28th January to make your decision. 

Admission applications must be submitted online and you must be registered on the EA's Admission Portal. If additional information is required about this or any difficulty is experienced, parents can contact the admissions helpdesk via the email addresses below:

Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm

Our admissions criteria can be viewed at the links below.

Naíscoil na mBeann- 

Gaelscoil na mBeann- 

Further information on the Admissions process as well as a short video showcasing our school and nursery unit can be viewed below.

If you would like to find out more about our wonderful school, or even organise a visit to the school site, please contact the school office on 028 412 58418.

Bígí linn ag Naíscoil agus Gaelscoil na mBeann! Come and join us at Naíscoil and Gaelscoil na mBeann!