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Gaelscoil na mBeann agus Naíscoil na mBeann, Kilkeel, Newry

Cáirt Ionchas na dTuistí/ Parental Charter of Expectations

20th Oct 2022

Míle buíochas daoibh siúd a líon isteach an ceistneoir gairid a cuireadh chugaibh ar mallaibh maidir le Cáirt Ionchas tuismitheoirí na scoile. Tá ár gCáirt bunaithe ar na freagraí a fuair muid uaibhse ag ligean síos cad iad na súilíochtaí atá agaibh don fhoireann agus do thuismitheoirí eile. 

Seo daoibh thíos ár gCáirt.

Many thanks to those of you that completed the short questionnaire sent to you recently regarding the school's parental Charter of Expectations. Our Charter has been based on the responses received from you that laid out your expectations of our staff and of your fellow parents.

See the Charter below.