Cairde na mBeann Christmas Tombola
11th Nov 2024
Beidh Cairde na mBeann ag déanamh crannchuir mar chuid de Lá Mór Nollaig ar 7ú Nollaig ó 10r.n.-1i.n. Tá siad ag lorg bhur cuidiú le duaiseanna a bhailiú. Feach na postaeir faoi iamh le haighaidh tuilleadh eolais.
Cairde na mBeann will be holding a Christmas Tombola draw at the Lá Mór nollaig on 7th Decmebr from 10am-1pm. They need your help gathering prizes etc. Please see the posters attached for further info on how you can get involved.
Cairde na mBeann will be holding a Christmas Tombola draw at the Lá Mór nollaig on 7th Decmebr from 10am-1pm. They need your help gathering prizes etc. Please see the posters attached for further info on how you can get involved.

Gaelscoil na mBeann agus Naíscoil na mBeann, 127a Newcastle Rd, Kilkeel, Newry BT34 4NL | Telephone: (028) 41258418