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Gaelscoil na mBeann agus Naíscoil na mBeann, Kilkeel, Newry

Bairille Uisce ó NI Water

20th May 2021

Tá áthas ar Ghaelscoil na mBeann Bairille Uisce a fháil ó NI Water le húsáid i ngairdín na scoile. Cuideoidh seo linn uisce fearthainne a bhailiú le bheith in úsáid ar phlandaí agus glasraí na scoile.  

Gaelscoil na mBeann are delighted to receive a new Waterbutt from NI Water for use in our eco garden. This will help us to harvest the rainwater, which can then be used to water our school’s plants and vegetables.

Applications now open for Naíscoil and Rang 1 places
Online applications for a Pre-School or Primary 1 place for September 2025 are now open.

Applications close at 12 noon on Friday 24 January 2025. It is important to note that applications are not considered on a first come, first served basis. Please read through our Admissions Criteria prior to completing your application and demonstrate in your application how you meet the criteria.
To apply visit or see EA’s website for more information on the admissions process:
If your child is currently undergoing statutory assessment and does not have a formal Statement of Special Educational Needs, you will still need to apply for a Pre-School or Primary 1 place.
If your child has a formal Statement of Special Educational Needs, there is a separate placements process where the pre-school or primary school placement is discussed with you as part of the review of your child’s statement, therefore, an application should not be made via Admissions on EA Connect.
Applications now open for Naíscoil and Rang 1 places