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Gaelscoil na mBeann agus Naíscoil na mBeann, Kilkeel, Newry

Ar ais ar scoil

10th Mar 2021

Tháinig na páistí is óige ar ais ar scoil ar an Luan agus bhí cuma ghealgháireacha ar a n-aghaidheanna - agus ar aghaidheanna na múinteoirí chomh maith!


The youngest children were able to return to school on Monday.  Although it may have been hard for them, at first, it was lovely to see so many happy faces throughout the day - including the teachers' faces!


Here are a few photographs which show some of the fun that Rang 1/2/3 children have had so far this week. 


Táimid ag tnúth go mór leis na páistí eile a fheiceáil. We are looking forward to seeing the rest of the children back at school soon.