Nuacht News
2020/2021 School Year
28th Aug 2020
Bhí Rang 1 go fíor-mhaith agus iad ar scoil ar maidin. Bhain siad...
28th Aug 2020
Please note that if your child is displaying ANY of the following symptoms, do not...
27th Aug 2020
Fáilte romhaibh ar ais! Welcome back!
This year we aim to provide...
27th Aug 2020
As previously stated, if you would like to avail of the school bus service next...
25th Aug 2020
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Naíscoil induction which was due to...
21st Aug 2020
A thuismitheoir,
Please take the time to read through the information in the letter...
20th Aug 2020
A chairde,
Naiscoil na mBeann would like to invite parents of the class of 2020/21...
20th Aug 2020
A thuismitheoir,
Any school uniforms that were ordered through the school office...
Gaelscoil na mBeann agus Naíscoil na mBeann, 127a Newcastle Rd, Kilkeel, Newry BT34 4NL | Telephone: (028) 41258418